Not only can plants help freshen up your home, but as NASA has suggested, they can help purify the air if planted in your home or bedroom. Including some plants that help you feel relaxed and not stressed, and these are ” air purifying plants” that can be planted in your home. Or in the bedroom, it is a good help in adjusting the air quality within the home. Helps the home have a fresh, beautiful atmosphere. Helps purify the air. Affects health

15 air purifying plants Popularly grown in homes, bedrooms
1.lavender tree
We don’t normally think about growing lavender in pots. But lavender can survive indoors under suitable conditions. The light must shine brightly. Especially placing it near a window. Additionally, when its soil begins to dry out, water it. But don’t water too much..
2.Ton Jang
is a house decoration plant with a variety of beautiful leaves. It is also an easy tree to grow compared to other types of palms. May not need to be exposed to direct sunlight. and water when the soil begins to dry out
3.Indian rubber tree
The beauty of Indian rubber is that the leaves are large and shiny. The form of the tree is beautiful. Indian gum is a tree that likes medium light. and constant humidity When cutting leaves, wear gloves to prevent your hands from contaminating the rubber.
4.yellow areca tree
The beauty of this palm is that it can reach heights of 6-7 feet, so there should be room for it to grow. In addition, yellow areca is a plant that needs bright light. and constant humidity But don’t let the soil be too wet.
is a vigorous climbing plant that can be grown in pots and as a hanging plant. Ivy needs the right amount of light. The soil can be allowed to dry out a bit and then watered. But never let the tree dry out.
6.Boston fern
is a plant that helps absorb toxins. It is popularly planted as a hanging potted plant and used in gardening. Its green color makes you feel refreshed. It has a hard leaf stem that curves out and drops down as it gets older. The leaves become dense and have no flowers when grown as an ornamental plant in buildings. Boston ferns require quite a bit of care. Because it is a plant that needs constant moisture. If there is a lack of water, the color of the leaves will quickly turn brown and fall off. Therefore, you should water it regularly to keep the soil moist or spray it with water mist regularly.
7.The 10,000-year-old green aloe tree, Kaewkanchana or Acolnima,
is a tree that is popular as a potted plant in homes. or as an ornamental plant in an office building Its outstanding feature is that it is an easy plant to grow. Doesn’t require much care and is durable even in dry places. or there is little light Moreover, its stems and leaves remain green all year long. The leaves have beautiful, eye-catching patterns.
8.The dragon tongue tree
is an ornamental plant that can be grown both inside and outside buildings. Its leaves emerge from the ยูฟ่าเบท ground in the shape of long, lance-shaped, hard leaves. Another outstanding feature of it is that it can exude oxygen at night. and absorb carbon dioxide instead Moreover, it is a durable tree. Can live in all weather conditions
9.The dracaena tree
is another type of ornamental plant that has many different species. There is also beauty in the colors of the leaves. and the shape of the tree Some grow well in most places, but others are difficult to grow. Some grow well in pots and others do well in the ground.
10.Philodendron Tree, Papaya Leaf
Actually, there are many types of this plant. For this variety, the large leaves are about 20-30 centimeters wide and 47-51 centimeters long. The base of the leaf is concave with deeply wavy edges. The tip is pointed and has 8 lobes. Each lobe has a slightly wavy edge. The leaves are thick, shiny, dark green, with light green leaf veins clearly visible. I like it. Loamy soil requires moderate humidity, sunlight and water.
11.Ton Mai Mai Pradaeng
It is an ornamental plant in the genus Dieffenbachia. which can be separated into many different types Both are native species Various hybrid varieties It is a tree that is very easy to grow and care for, very suitable for beginners. It grows well indoors. The leaves have beautiful patterns. It is a tree that helps absorb toxins and purifies the air inside the home very well as well.
This herb is great for cooking. It is a tree that needs very strong sunlight. Therefore, it should be planted in a bright window. The soil can be allowed to dry out a little.
13.Ton Setthi Ruean Nai
The tree of the millionaires in the house It will come together in clusters. The leaves are curved and slender like grass blades and have small leaves growing from the large leaves, so it is often called a “spider plant.” This plant is considered an ornamental plant that is easy to grow and hard to die.
14.The spotted betel tree
is classified as one of the most popular ornamental climbing plants. Both can be grown in garden plots. Or planted in pots and vases because it gives lots of leaves. Beautiful colorful leaves Grows well in all conditions.
15.Lily tree
is an ornamental plant that is popularly grown for ornamental purposes, leaves and flowers because the leaves are large and dark green, making them look fresh. And there are large soft white flowers with decorative leaves that make it even more beautiful. It is also believed that Deli It is an auspicious plant that helps the grower live long and have good fortune.
Air purifying plants have many benefits as follows:
1. Air purification: Air purifying plants can absorb various toxins in the air such as formaldehyde, benzene, carbon monoxide. Trichloroethylene and ammonia
2. Increase oxygen: Air purifying plants perform photosynthesis. Change carbon dioxide gas into oxygen. Helps the atmosphere inside the house to have fresh, fresh air suitable for breathing.
3. Reduce stress: The green color of trees helps you feel relaxed, easy on the eyes, and reduces stress.
4. Add beauty: Air purifying plants have a beautiful appearance. Various species Help decorate your home to make it look lively.
5. Absorbs dust: Tree leaves and trunks have complex physical characteristics. Helps trap dust in the air