Family and people around them play an important role in helping patients with depression recover their mental health faster. Having someone to walk alongside them with understanding not only makes patients not feel alone on their journey, but also helps heal and is a great support to overcome. However, on the other hand, if they are left to walk alone, it will be difficult to overcome.
However, walking together with patients is quite challenging because they have to listen to their problems and may be affected by the patient’s behavior, which can cause them to feel tired, bored, discouraged, and difficult to deal with patients. Finally, it can accumulate into stress.
Therefore, families and people around or those who care for patients must not only be strong, have knowledge, understanding, empathy and determination to overcome together, but must also take care of their own mental health. Initially, there are methods as follows:
Are you too tired ? Ask your heart to understand.
Care planning should be planned together with the patient’s family or close friends. So that no one person is overly tired. There should be a rotation of caregivers and some personal time to allow for relaxation from stress.
When you feel stressed , you should consult a psychiatrist.
If stress, anxiety, or self-blame increase. You should consult a psychiatrist or a multidisciplinary team that provides mental health care to assess your symptoms and receive initial advice.
Depression not only affects the patient, but also often affects relationships with family members or people close to them. Caring for patients with depression requires a high level of understanding because it is a relatively delicate disease. Every word or action of the โปรโมชั่น ufabet family and people around them can easily hurt the patient. Good coping methods will help patients recover faster, such as doing activities together. The important thing to remember. When inviting them to do activities is that if the patient is not ready, do not force them.
Doing activities together will make the patient feel better and less distracted. Activities that patients can do when their symptoms improve include inviting them to do easy exercises that do not require much concentration, such as running, walking, and aerobics. This will help those with depression sleep and eat better. Plus, being a friend to the patient will help them feel less alone.
In today’s society, “depression” is close to all of us. Don’t be alarmed if you find out that someone close to you has depression, which is a delicate disease that requires a lot of understanding. However, it can be cured if you receive proper care. The most important thing is encouragement from family and people around you. Don’t let the patient fight alone. Always give advice to the patient, find a way out together, and don’t forget to take care of your own mind and be ready to cope.